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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Harper's Easter egg hunt -A photo shoot

Hi everyone. I will soon have opening pictures and reviews of my bundle and Harper but what better time to do an Easter photo shoot than on Easter? Here is Harper’s Easter egg hunt, I hope you enjoy.

She is ready to roll with her new Easter outfit and Easter basket

American girl doll Easter egg hunt.jpgIMG_0549.JPG
Found the first one.

Got another one

Found one behind this rock (:

Look, under the tree!

IMG_0565.JPGGot one (:  
Under the bush

Looks like some little friends have decided to join Harper on her egg hunting journey

Wait! Is that one next to the hose?

Bonus pictures:
Here is Harper next to my and my sister's Easter baskets from the Easter bunny. Looks like to the right I got a new journey girls item but what is it? Can you guess what it is in the comments?
Easter basket.jpg
Here is my Easter basket full of AG goodies and candy.
Today’s photo shoot was inspired by my little sis running around the back yard searching for Easter eggs (I did it with her) and this is a picture of Harper with my eggs before I got the  candy from inside.

American girl doll Easter.jpg


  1. I like your edit! I've never been able to put my #59's hair in a ponytail without getting any hair sticking out, but you did a good job with it. LOVE her dress!

  2. Thank you. It was a little hard to get her hair into a pony tail. I originally planned on customizing her but her wig is so unique and pretty. I think someday I will get another 59 to customize because I just love Harper now (:

  3. The dress is from build a bear. I had it from a while ago. It took me 3 safety pins to keep it like this X)
